In anticipation of the New Year's Eve festivities, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) conducted a massive anti-encroachment drive in Koregaon Park, a popular area known for attracting large crowds during such celebrations. The action, led by the Dhole Patil Road Regional Office, targeted shops, small restaurants, and restro-bars in lanes 6 and 7 of Koregaon Park. The drive aimed to address traffic congestion and law-and-order issues caused by the surge in parties and gatherings hosted by hotels and restaurants in the area during December 31.
The PMC officials, in collaboration with various departments, demolished approximately 7,300 square feet of illegal stalls, sheds, and unauthorised front and side margins in Koregaon Park's lanes 6 and 7. Similar actions were taken in the Ghorpadi area, where the PMC anti-encroachment department cleared illegal front and side margin constructions and stalls, removing 2,000 square feet of unauthorised construction in various locations. The drive is part of PMC's ongoing efforts to curb illegal constructions and encroachments in the city, particularly around hospitality establishments and public spaces.